Sunday, August 12, 2012


The picture above was taken when I was at home. I'm so sorry for lack of posts and updates, it seems like my senior high life has been the most tiring days ever. There are so many homeworks, exercises, presentations and assignments, I don't even have any free-time on weekends!! :( 

My life has changed lately.  My driver was fired, so I can't always be able to go anywhere I want,  I spend my 'me time' at home doing homeworks, I have also turned from a messy-haired girl to a ponytail girl, my style has extremely changed from vintage to something more fun like Converse, I'm  getting more talkative everyday, and I have lots of new friend at school! These things make me really happy because I feel like getting closer to who I really am.


Thanks for leaving comments on my posts, guys. I can't promise that I'll reply them all,but every comment will be appreciated.